Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Home Fixated: Where DIY meets LOL

Set Your First Impression with Damn Good Doormats

by Jen on October 5, 2011
in Decor, Windows & Doors
on Home Fixated

As someone in the Western world, you’ve been taught that you’re a special little snowflake. So does it really make sense that someone as unique as you are should settle for a ho-hum generic welcome mat? Not you, sparkling star! When people approach your door, they should know right away that someone with personality lives there – and that starts with a creative doormat like the ones we found at Damn Good Doormats.
There are a variety of hand-stenciled doormats available – many with pop culture references (like Star Wars, The Big Lebowski), animals (pugs! pugs!), sayings, and quirky designs like the one above with a painted key “under” the mat. Ah, clever! Who hasn’t done that? And who wouldn’t secretly enjoy the confused look on their grandparents’ faces as they come to visit for Thanksgiving dinner and try to decipher what this means:

Just think, it could be the conversation starter that leads to you showing Grams and Gramps how to make a video of their own which then goes viral and before you know it, there’s a doormat with their faces on it (that you feel a little funny wiping your feet on, but … sure). Could your current welcome mat do that? I’m thinking no.
And besides the creative options, the other thing that’s “damn good” about Damn Good Doormats is that they’re environmentally conscious. The company uses “paint scraps” from other businesses and artists (rather than letting them go to waste in a landfill) and pays a carbon offset fee with their shipper. That’s nice!
All welcome mats are hand stenciled with exterior latex paint and power sprayed onto 100% coconut fiber doormats with latex backing. Most mats are 18″ x 24″ and are offered for $30 to $55.  Damn Good Doormats welcomes custom requests as well, should you want to make a truly unique first impression!

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